Other Services

  • Class Action Administration

    Our class action administration services include benefit calculation and distribution; claim population identification and notification; claims processing and documentation validation; Searches for unidentified/difficult to locate class members; and status and tax reporting.

  • Employee Benefit Plans

    The accounting and tax issues involved with employer-provided benefit plans can be overwhelming. We can assist with the development, implementation and administration of your employee benefit plan.

  • Expert Witness Services

    Pending or existing litigation can result in the need for a qualified professional to present his/her opinion to support or oppose evidence submitted to the court. Our level of competence allows us the opportunity to function as expert witnesses in such cases.

  • Litigation Support

    Litigation support involves the quantification of economic damages pursuant to existing or pending litigation using accounting and auditing techniques. We have experienced competent staff who can compile information efficiently to assist in the calculation and documentation of any potential economic loss or damages.

  • Mergers & Acquisitions

    Finding the right business partner for your company can be a difficult task. We can assist you in the merger or acquisition process by assessing such critical elements as tax considerations; product/service compatibility; competitive tactics and position; financial impact; and cash flow considerations.

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